Environmental Ship Index (ESI) still going strong

February 09, 2016

According to Fer van de Laar, Bureau Director of IAPH's World Ports Climate Initiative (WPCI) a total of 3,809 ships with a positive ESI Score have so far joined the scheme as well as 43 Incentive Providers (IP). More interestingly and encouragingly, we have recently welcomed a new type of IP, not a port entity but a Classification Society. Please click here for its press release.

IAPH Membership Directory 2016 published

February 01, 2016

IAPH Membership Directory 2016 was published and sent out to members. We would like to thank all the IAPH members who assisted us in keeping the contents up-to-date as well as advertisers who kindly placed impressive adverts. Members can download it online at Library page If IAPH members require any additional copies or inquiries, please contact IAPH Secretariat at [email protected]

IAPH Mid-term Conference 2016 will meet in Panama City

December 17, 2015

Hosted by Panama Maritime Authority, IAPH will meet in Panama City, Panama, 10-13 May 2016, for its Mid-term Conference.  As the conference coincides with the completion of the Panama Canal Expansion, it will provide an excellent platform to discuss the effects of the expanded Canal on world maritime trade. The outline of the event is as follows:10 May (Tue) IAPH Officers Meeting Welcome Reception for Early Arrivals11 May (Wed)Technical Committee Meetings Women’s Forum Meetings Board of Director

IAPH joins PIANC in promoting “Think Climate” coalition

December 10, 2015

IAPH has joined the PIANC-led environment initiative "Think Climate" coalition as a partner to raise awareness about the challenges posed by climate change at a global level. On Sunday December 6, Transport Day at the Paris COP21, the United Nations Paris Climate Conference 2015, the coalition formally launched its 2015 -2020 Action Plan, "Navigating a Changing Climate". Prior to the launch on December 6, the partners across the world including IAPH issued a joint press release 'New Internation

IAPH observes the 60th anniversary!

November 07, 2015

IAPH observed its 60th anniversary on November 7, 2015. On this day back in 1955, IAPH was founded in Los Angeles, USA, with some 100 delegates from 38 ports and maritime organizations in 14 countries gathering to announce the birth of IAPH.  Over the past six decades, IAPH has steadily developed into a global alliance of ports, representing today some 180 ports and some 140 port-related businesses in 90 countries. The member ports together handle well over 60% of the world's sea-borne trade and

IAPH Women’s Scholarship launched

November 04, 2015

In compliance with the resolution adopted at the IAPH Hamburg Conference in June 2015, the IAPH Women's Forum Scholarship has just been launched, with calls for applications made last week. If you are an enthusiastic female worker employed by an IAPH member port, you will become eligible to apply for and benefit from this program established to advance the status of women in the port industry. ■ Application period: November 13, 2015 to February 12, 2016 ■ Selection procedure: Ad hoc Scholarsh

New online publications available

August 25, 2015

A couple of special committee reports have recently been published by IAPH on two hot topics of container terminal automation and business continuity plan (BCP), as follows.■ The Study on Best Practices of Container Terminal Automation in the World■ Report on the Survey Results on Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in Ports (in the event of any threats, interruptions or disasters)The former is a product of research and study by Port Operations and Logistics Committee and the latter by Port Safety an

New IAPH President sworn in

June 15, 2015

Mr. Santiago Garcia-Milà, Dy. Managing Director of Strategy & Development, Autoritat Portuària de Barcelona, Spain, was elected new IAPH President for a two-year term of 2015 – 2017 at the Plenary Session on 4 June.  He will serve as IAPH President until the end of next IAPH World Ports Conference, Bali, Indonesia, May 2017.At the Plenary, IAPH adopted two business resolutions on ship recycling to promote safety and efficiency and on enhancing and empowering women in the industry.

29th IAPH World Ports Conference Smart conference in a smart port city

June 11, 2015

More than 900 delegates and accompanying person from across the world gathered in Hamburg to attend the 29th IAPH World Ports Conference in Hamburg, Germany, 1- 5 June, under the conference banner theme of “City of Hamburg – Calling at the smartPORT”.Hamburg Port Authority (Mr. Jens Meier, Chairman of the Management Board), the conference host, provided an excellent stage to debate where the port industry will be heading for in the near future, covering such topics as megaships and their impacts

IAPH technical committees’ ambitious agendas 2015

May 07, 2015

IAPH technical committees will meet on Monday, 1 June, during the IAPH World Ports Conference, Hamburg, Germany.  They are the backbone of IAPH, tasked to study hot topics of concern and interest to the world port industry.They have ambitious agenda to tackle in Hamburg.Not only committee members but also non-committee members are welcome to attend the meeting as observer.

The world’s most important port conference will soon be held in Hamburg

April 22, 2015

We will soon meet in Hamburg, Germany, for the 29th IAPH World Ports Conference, 1-5 June 2015.  Our host, Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), is ready to welcome you to a beautiful city of Hamburg with an informative business program for delegates and an exciting social program for accompanying persons.The conference will focus on the smartPORT concept – intelligent port management proposed by HPA.  A multi-talented Dutch entrepreneur, Max Boodie, will lead and guide us through an exciting conference

IAPH represented at AAPA’s Cruise Seminar

February 27, 2015

Mrs. Monica Bonvalet, Chair of IAPH Cruise Committee (Marseille Fos Port Authority, France) and Mrs. Naomi Kogon-Steinberg, IAPH Honorary Member, attended the Cruise Seminar of the American Association Port Authorities (AAPA) held on 10-12 February 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA.  They also met with Mr. Michael Vanderbeek, Chair of the AAPA’s Cruise Committee to explore potential areas of cooperation in the future.> For more details, please download the report on the seminar.> Presentations made
