Climate and Energy is at the centre of IAPH’s technical work programme and IMO policy submissions on behalf of the port industry – driven by an active technical committee and supported by the permanent presence of an IMO liaison officer in London. IAPH’s collaborative work with governments, NGOs and shipping aims at decarbonising the industry and achieving the transformational goal of establishing energy hubs for future fuels across the globe.
Through the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) port incentive scheme and its World Port Sustainability Program (WPSP) project database, IAPH offers immediate, practical tools to tackle the climate challenge. Via its rapidly developing Clean Marine Fuels toolkit, its support of the Port Readiness Level tool and the co-founding of the Clean Energy Marine Hubs platform, IAPH is helping to build toward a Net Zero future.
Clean Marine Fuels
CEM Hubs
Fuel Ready Ports
Getting to Zero
IMO-Norway Green
Voyage 2050
Global Ports Hydrogen
IMO MEPC (public page)
Committee subpage
(members only)
Cruise committee