Ports & Harbors September/October 2019 issue published


This issue focuses on Digitalization, Asia region, Port design and planning and more stories such as…


Open Forum- ‘Online ambitions’: Lars Fischer, Managing Director of Softship Data Processing, takes a look at how Maritime 4.0- the digitization of the industry – is influencing ports, their customers and future.


Cover story -‘Port digitalization: Common goals’: To become more efficient, ports need to work together, using data to feed collaborative planning platforms, Charlie Bartlett reports.


IAPH Members can see the full stories online at Library Page. If you are not an IAPH Member, please click here for subscription order form (printed version only). Click here to check the past issues before subscribing it.


The next November/December 2019 issue will focus on ‘Evolving role of ports- as part of supply chain, free trade zone, as material handlers, 3D printing’, ‘America Region’, ‘Training including simulation’ and more. P&H is always welcoming members’ contribution to the article or ideas as well as comments on the magazine at [email protected]


If you are interested in advertisement, please contact Associate Sales Specialist Kathryn Fowler at [email protected]  IAPH members can place an ad with a 20% discount.
