In its third year, the IAPH World Ports Sustainability Program was established in order to assist ports in applying the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals in practice. The program is aimed at enhancing and coordinating future sustainability efforts of ports worldwide and fostering international cooperation with partners in the supply chain.
The Program has reached the milestone over 200 projects which have been registered by IAPH members and their partners from the global port community in the fields of resilient infrastructure, climate and energy, safety and security, community outreach and governance.
In 2021, IAPH received a record 64 projects submitted by 37 member ports from 21 countries as entries for the 2021 World Ports Sustainability Awards, which received major international exposure at the IAPH 2021 World Ports Conference and over 10,000 votes by the public for the winning projects in the seven categories of Awards
Moving ahead under the auspices of the Program, the IAPH team recently launched a new game Port Endeavor , which draws on real life examples from the 200+ strong IAPH World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP) database of projects and best practices on how ports integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) into their business models and operations.
The aim of the game is to increase awareness among port management, staff and professionals working in port communities on how ports are already applying the UN Sustainable Development Goals to their business, to ultimately accelerate adoption of these measures in the port sector.
Designed by port specialists for playing by port executives, management and employees alike, the game invites players to represent a fictional port with a specific role and objectives and to team up with other participants in that port to accumulate the highest number of UNSDG badges by deciding to spend limited budgets on sustainable activities. Teams get additional bonus points for achieving personal Endeavor goals as well as collecting SDGs based on the Program’s areas of interest such as Climate and Energy and Community Port teams can also be impacted by occasional disruptive events which are also based on real life cases.
IAPH works with three partners who offer the game under licensing agreement with full technical support from our team, namely the Antwerp Port Training Center, UNCTAD as part of its TrainForTrade program, and Sustenuto, a Belgian-based consultancy offering sustainability advisory services to organizations such as terminal operators, logistics- and port-related enterprises.
If your port or organization is interested in participating or organizing a Port Endeavor game, please contact our IAPH Technical Director Antonis Michail.