The benefits of the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) were presented to port industry leaders at the 7th meeting of the Ocean Business Working Group of the UN Global Compact Brazil, on 12 March. The working group – which comprised more than 60 companies, including private and public ports – is focused on maritime and port decarbonization and provides a platform for valuable knowledge exchange and learning opportunities. IAPH attended at the invitation of Porto do Açu, an ESI Incentive Provider and board member. The remote meeting was themed around ‘Cabotage and Fleet Modernisation’ and – following thoughts from lead speaker Dino Antunes Dias Batista, director of shipping and waterways at Ministry of Ports and Airports. IAPH’s technical director Antonis Michail and business development director Nick Blackmore gave a well-received presentation on the topic of ‘port incentives for greener vessels’, with particular emphasis on the strength of the ESI Incentive Provider network in the region.