#IAPH2023 Energy Transition preview at Harbor Café

Last Friday over fifty IAPH members from around the world gathered online to preview the upcoming focus on key energy transition challenges faced by the maritime industry, which will be discussed in depth as one of the key themes of the IAPH World Ports Conference. The Harbor Café session included an intervention by Nelson Mojarro of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) who explained the concept of the join ICS-IAPH Clean Energy Marine (CEM) Hubs initiative, with the CEOs from Hamburg, Halifax and NAMPORT authorities revealing their plans. Attendees were also given updates on the safety tools developed for ports by the IAPH Clean Marine Fuels Working Group and a preview was given of the upcoming Port Readiness Tool (PRL) being co-developed with WPCAP which will be given a first review at the Climate and Energy Committee meeting today. You can watch the recording of Harbor Café in the video below.

