Environmental Ship Index moves to the next level

The IAPH Environmental Ship Index (ESI) is building on its ten years’ success story through the development of ESI version 2.0 that will also be embedding the ESI at-berth module, which is already under development. The ESI Incentive Providers met on 22 March and reviewed initial proposals for both ESI 2.0 and the at-berth module, while concrete proposals will be presented for consideration by the ESI Stakeholders Assembly held 20 May in Vancouver, in the margins of the IAPH World Ports Conference. Currently, the ESI formula and score assesses NOx and SOx emissions from ships based at large on the ship’s characteristics and fuel bunkered, while also rewarding reporting and improvements over time of GHG emissions, and vessels equipped to connect to onshore power supply (OPS). While maintaining the simplicity of the overall approach, ESI version 2.0 will be looking at further rewarding equipment and technologies on board of vessels that reduce air and GHG emissions and will be introducing a new GHG emissions module incorporating the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) adopted by IMO last year. In parallel, the ESI at-berth module will be evaluating the actual performance of vessels in terms of emissions during a given port call. Starting with cruise vessels as a pilot for a two-year period, the at-berth module is then expected to expand to other types of traffic subject to positive evaluation. The core team supervising the development of ESI at-berth met in London earlier this month to coordinate progress and draw proposals regarding system architecture of the new dedicated website and the implementation of the data collection module. These proposals were further consulted with the ESI at-berth working group on 21 March.

