The Gambia Ports Authority (GPA) was established in 1972 as a statutory public corporation with the mandate to operate such port facilities best deemed expedient to the public interest. The Port of Banjul is located on the estuary of the River Gambia 13° 27 minutes north and 16° 34 minutes west, 26 nautical miles from the Atlantic Ocean and its area of jurisdiction covers north from Buniadu Point to the extreme of Cape Point, to the south from the western extreme of Dog Island to the northern extreme of the South Bank of Madina Creek.
The Gambia Ports Authority

Region | Africa | Country | Gambia |
Member Type | Regular Member | Joined Year | 1988 |
Ports | Port of Banjul | ||
Official Website | |
October 16
July 6
June 19
May 19
April 24
March 17
Mission, Vision | Strategic Master Plans | Community Initiatives | Environmental Policies | Corporate By-Laws | Organization Chart |
Corporate/ Port Brochure | Annual Reports | Financial Reports | Sustainerbility Reports | Port Regulations | Tariffs |
Tenders | Lease Agreement | Development Program | Statistics | Business Directories | COVID-19 |