The Phillippines has about 7,641 islands scattered across its land area. Ports in the Philippines function as important gateways of international and local trade. The scope and functions of the PPA broardened to facilitate the implementation of an integrated program for the planning, development, financing, operation and maintenance of ports or port districts for the entire country in 1975. Vessel calls totaled 468,439 and total cargo is equivalent to 7.39 MMTs in 2018.
Philippine Ports Authority (PPA)

Region | Asia 2: South East and Oceania | Country | Philippines |
Member Type | Regular Member | Joined Year | 2009 |
Ports | 5 Ports in Manila / Northern Luzon, 6 Ports in Southern Luzon, 6 Ports in Visayas, 5 Ports in Northern Mindanao, 4 Ports in Southern Mindanao | ||
Official Website | |
Mission, Vision | Strategic Master Plans | Community Initiatives | Environmental Policies | Corporate By-Laws | Organization Chart |
Corporate/ Port Brochure | Annual Reports | Financial Reports | Sustainerbility Reports | Port Regulations | Tariffs |
Tenders | Lease Agreement | Development Program | Statistics | Business Directories | COVID-19 |