The January-February issue of Ports & Harbors, the membership magazine of the IAPH, has just been published. In this first edition of the magazine for 2025, Port of Antwerp-Bruges CEO Jacques Vandermeiren addresses some of the many challenges and opportunities facing the industry in the coming year. Recently elected as the IAPH regional vice president for Europe, he speaks about building ports’ resilience, sustainability and their role in the energy transition. He also outlines his port’s work in building partnerships in countries from Benin to Brazil to nurture best practice and develop a positive impact around the globe. P&H also talks to Stuart Neil, director of strategy and communications at the International Chamber of Shipping, about what is expected to be a milestone year for the industry as the International Maritime Organisation seeks to implement its binding mid-term greenhouse gas reduction measures. The subject of this issue’s project focus is the newly-opened Port of Chancay in Peru and there is a feature on Port of Aberdeen’s plans to cater to the next generation of renewable energy as an offshore wind hub. We also have an interview with Fernanda Sossai, recently appointed vice chair of the IAPH Climate and Energy technical committee.