We are inviting all member ports to (re)join the IAPH World Ports Tracker community for the third quarter survey of the year. The World Ports Tracker aims at reliably and consistently collecting data from the world ports on vessel call and cargo volume changes, hinterland connectivity, local warehousing capacity, ferry and cruise passenger ship call size and frequency as well as port worker availability. The survey data will be analysed and displayed globally and per region on a quarterly basis and will be designed to help ports detecting trends early on and prepare for the short and long-term future. We encourage ports to coordinate and compile a response to this quarter’s online survey by 4 November. We guarantee that individual responses will remain confidential and be used to provide aggregate data to get a handle on what is happening to ports in an ever-increasingly uncertain environment for the world’s supply chains. A summary of the findings will be published in the IAPH membership magazine Ports & Harbors. IAPH members responding to the survey will in addition receive an exclusive in-depth report to guarantee they will be able to use this tool to identify data trends early and react accordingly. The report contains expert analysis from two of the world’s foremost port economists, Dr Theo Notteboom and Dr Thanos Pallis. As a preview of what you can expect, you can find the report analysing the second quarter data here.