Ports & Harbors November/December 2016 issue published


In this issue, cover stories focus on “Climate change/Green Ports”, “Americas regional focus” and “Dredging” and more.


In Open Forum ‘Corozal Concession a first for ACP’ Alex Kyriakoulis and Joseph Botham from law firm Holman Fenwick Willan explains Panama’s Corozal terminal concession process so far.


In Last Word ‘Sustainability is our DNA’ Koen Overtoom, interim CEO of Port of Amsterdam tells why and how the port is improving air quality.


The next January/February 2017 issue will focus on “Africa Regional Focus”, “LNG fuels and bunkering”, “Port automation” and more.


IAPH Members can see the digital version online at Library Page. If you are not an IAPH Member, please click here for subscription order form (printed version only).


P&H is always welcoming articles or ideas for articles from members as well as comments on the magazine at [email protected]


If you are interested in advertisement, please contact us. IAPH members can place an ad with a 20% discount. Please contact the editorial team for more details.

