This edition of IAPH Insider covers:
- This week’s Insider highlights with MD Patrick Verhoeven
- #IAPH2022: North America kicks off regional workshops
- Visit our virtual members’ hangout: IAPH Harbor Café!
- IAPH bi-regional Africa-Europe meeting on 4 February
- IAPH innovation working group established
- Work on IAPH-WCO port-customs guidelines started
- Standardisation of port call optimisation data progresses
- IAPH to join Container Terminal Automation Conference
- ChainPORT publishes Digital & Sustainability Playbook
- IMO supports Port Community System for Nigerian ports
- IAPH Climate and Energy Committee meets 1 February
- Development of ESI at berth module commences
- German ports warn for mandatory on-shore power
- Our P&H poll: women at senior level roles in ports
- Singapore continues to lead maritime cities ranking
- Member Port News
- World Maritime News
- Calendar of Events
This week’s Insider highlights with MD Patrick Verhoeven
#IAPH2022: North America kicks off regional workshops
We are now very much looking forward to the first IAPH #CloseTheGaps regional workshop for North America which is coming up ahead of the #IAPH2022 World Ports Conference in May. The theme #CloseTheGaps has been inspired by the many sessions at last year’s World Ports Conference which concluded that there is a need for long-term investment in ports in many parts of the world to meet regional competitiveness and to guarantee future resilience of global supply chains. The online workshops will, by region, identify specific gaps in port competitiveness, including connectivity, efficiency, digitalisation, carbon emissions etc. On 8 February, the North America workshop kicks off the series of eight online events that will be held under the Chatham House Rule to help creating a trusted environment. Panellists include the Vice President Liner Operations of North and South America for Maersk, the Senior Vice President of Trade Management for Hapag Lloyd, two large North American shippers as well as the recently retired CEO of Ports America. The ports’ panel includes the CEO of Port of Vancouver, the COO for Georgia Ports Authority and a C-Level representative of third North American port. Each regional session’s findings will then feed into the World Ports Conference in May in Vancouver, culminating in a declaration of priorities for ports based on the outcome of key conference discussions and workshops. To participate in these invitation-only, online regional workshops, you will need to register for the #IAPH2022 World Ports Conference. Those who register after the workshops take place will have these sessions made available to them on demand.
Visit our virtual members’ hangout: IAPH Harbor Café!
We are delighted to announce that we are opening our new virtual IAPH Harbor Café for all members on Monday 21 February. The idea came about during the making of the IAPH Cybersecurity Guidelines when authors came in and out of an informal virtual meeting with their comments and questions. We have decided to ask everyone to bring a drink of sorts (depending on your time of day !) and visit our Café between 0900 – 1030 CET and then between 1600 -1730 CET to ensure all IAPH colleagues on different timelines can drop by for a chat. The first will be specifically closing gaps in understanding between senior port management and security/IT on how to effectively approach the whole issue of cybersecurity in their organisations. We have some great people who have agreed to offer their time. In the first session we have Chin Beng Ong from the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore and Gadi Benmoshe from Marrinovators and in the second one we have Lance Kaneshiro from the Port of Los Angeles and Max Bobys from Hudson Trident, all of whom were chapter authors of the IAPH Cybersecurity Guidelines. There is no fixed format, no powerpoints, just a chat among fellow IAPH friends and colleagues. There is even no need to register, just join us in the Café filling in your details as you join Just make sure you use a Chrome browser on your laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone. You will need that to ensure sound and screen works. Hope to share a drink and a chat with you then !
IAPH bi-regional Africa-Europe meeting on 4 February
On the initiative of IAPH Vice-President Europe Jens Meier, who is temporarily also coordinating the Africa region awaiting the election of a new Vice-President, African and European IAPH members are invited to a bi-regional online meeting, which will be held 4 February from 1500 – 1545 CET. The meeting will provide an update on the IAPH agenda for the year ahead and give members from both regions the opportunity to provide input. IAPH president Capt K. Subramaniam and managing director Patrick Verhoeven will be joining the session. If you are interested in attending, please contact Ingrid Boque at Hamburg Port Authority: [email protected].
IAPH innovation working group established
The IAPH Data Collaboration Committee met online on 18 January, under the leadership of its chairman Pascal Ollivier (Maritime Street). One of the priorities agreed upon for this year is innovation. It was decided to establish a working group of interested members and organise an initial meeting to define an agenda and approach to address the issue. This meeting will be taking place on 2 February, from 1000 – 1200 CET. To set the scene, an introduction on innovation theories will be presented and a roundtable discussion at what innovation means for ports. Members interested to join the working group can contact Masahiro Yoshimi at [email protected].
Work on IAPH-WCO port-customs guidelines started
As a follow-up from the successful workshop between customs and port authorities on 23 November, IAPH and the World Customs Organization (WCO) have decided to issue joint guidelines on ports and customs cooperation. The kick-off meeting of the working group that will oversee the development of the guidelines took place on 20 January, attended by more than 100 experts from customs and port authorities. The group discussed the method of work and agreed on a work plan targeting the release of the guidelines by the end of 2022. The group further discussed and reached an understanding on an initial draft content outline. In the following weeks a core drafting group will be put together that will further work on the outline and identify contributors for the different identified areas of ports and customs cooperation to be addressed. Members interested to contribute their expertise to the core drafting team are invited to contact the chairman of the IAPH Data Collaboration Committee, Pascal Ollivier: [email protected].
Standardisation of port call optimisation data progresses
Last week, the International Taskforce Port Call Optimization (ITPCO) got to work on establishing common definitions following the milestone inaugural meeting of the ISO Technical Committee 8 on technical standards for administrative and operational data last December. Today, multiple initiatives from ports, shipping, data solution providers and research institutes are in use resulting in a proliferation of solutions, minimising investment returns with data owners unable to share in a ‘one-to-any’ manner. This proliferation of solutions causes confusion in port and shipping sectors, delaying a pathway for the industry to move forward in a sustainable way. A robust path forward is to work together under ISO Technical Committee 8 as it effectively takes commercial and vested interests out of the equation and allows for governance and fair play in the compromises that need to be reached between stakeholders. It will also ensure neutrality of standards and development and maintenance alongside existing standards of IMO and ISO. Ultimately the aim is to achieve real data exchange between ship and shore for custom declarations, arrival times or completion times of cargo services instead of the typical reporting of such information in many different formats through Excel or Word documents or even by voice communications. At their meeting last week, ITPCO members began working on common definitions for arrival areas and time stamps for arrival times. If standards are implemented across all application programme interfaces and the many different port community systems, a solid baseline will emerge upon which any port can commence or continue its ship-shore digitalisation journey.
IAPH to join Container Terminal Automation Conference
Several IAPH officials will be speaking at the forthcoming Container Terminal Automation Conference (CTAC), which is organised by IAPH associate member Port Technology International in London, on 9 and 10 March. The chairmen of the IAPH Data Collaboration and Legal Committees, Pascal Ollivier and Frans van Zoelen, will join a panel discussion on cybersecurity, talking about the preventative measures that can be taken by container terminals and presenting the most promising tools for cyber-resiliency, based on the IAPH cybersecurity guidelines for ports and port facilities. IAPH managing director Patrick Verhoeven will address the ongoing energy transition in shipping and ports and the enabling role that digitalisation plays. You will find full details about programme and registration on the conference website.
ChainPORT publishes Digital & Sustainability Playbook
Ports around the world are striving to advance sustainably and reduce their GHG emissions. Digital solutions can play a role in this progressive change and ports can use digital tools to protect the environment. Collaboration between the ports of Los Angeles, Montreal, Hamburg, Antwerp and Barcelona under the ChainPORT umbrella resulted in the publication of a Digital & Sustainability Playbook, which presents a compilation of ChainPORT members’ best initiatives to reduce GHG emissions in ports and their surroundings. The Playbook helps to raise awareness of initiatives that have proven to be effective, serving as an example and incentive for others in the industry. Very few publications have explored and charted the link between digitalisation and the port industry’s carbon neutrality goals. The inventory of best practices contained in the Playbook steers the way in that direction. Issues addressed include traffic management around terminals, waste management, advanced port information management, fuel consumption and how to preserve air and water quality. You can download the Playbook here.
IMO supports Port Community System for Nigerian ports
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is supporting the government of Nigeria in its efforts to develop a Port Community System (PCS) for electronic data exchange for its ports complex. From January to June 2022, IMO will work with the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) to conduct a detailed needs assessment mission. The assessment team will conduct analysis of the current situation and put forward recommendations on the governance, business model, technology and identify any gaps to be addressed. This will ensure that Nigerian ports benefit from an effective operational country-wide PCS to enhance the economy of the country. Port Community Systems have become an increasingly important part of simplifying cross-border trade. The assessment mission is phase two of a project which began in 2021 with a series of IMO-led webinars which aimed to raise awareness among Nigerian stakeholders about key aspects of a PCS. This series identified the opportunities and challenges for developing a national PCS in Nigeria.
IAPH Climate and Energy Committee meets 1 February
Members of the IAPH Climate and Energy Committee will meet online Tuesday 1 February for their first meeting in the New Year. The agenda includes an update on the IMO GHG agenda and the preparation of a submission for MEPC 78 presenting a progress report on the implementation of the 2019 IMO Resolution on cooperation between shipping and ports. There will also be a discussion on the ‘Green Corridors’ concept and how ports are preparing for it. Members will also be updated on the latest developments on the Environmental Ship Index and the Clean Marine Fuels toolbox. The meeting will be held from 0700 -0900 CET. Members will be receiving the agenda and all supporting documentation this week.
Development of ESI at berth module commences
The process to build a new module for the IAPH Environmental Ship Index (ESI) that will measure emissions of ships at berth has started. The module will initially focus on cruise shipping and will be funded by contributions from major cruise ports and IAPH. It will develop in two phases, starting with the reporting model. A core working group of ports is being established to accompany the development phases. The working group is led by Henri van der Weide (Port of Amsterdam) and has the support of IAPH associate members Green Award Foundation, which manages the ESI operation, and Starcrest. The working group will also interact with the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA).
German ports warn for mandatory on-shore power
In May last year, German seaports – including IAPH members Bremenports, Hamburg Port Authority and JadeWeserPort – decided to set up a framework for a joint course of action on reducing ships’ emissions in ports. In follow-up, the ports have now issued a joint statement on zero emissions at berth, in response to recent proposals from the European Commission. German seaports support the introduction of a European CO2 emission limit for all seagoing and inland waterway vessels at berth. However, they believe that across-the-board implementation of on-grid shoreside power facilities is not necessarily the way to reach that goal. If operated with 100 percent renewable power, on-grid land-based power supply facilities can be an effective measure to reduce emissions from seagoing and inland waterway vessels docked in port, but not for every port, not for every berth, and not for every ship. How often a berth is used and by what types of ships must also be considered. Cost sharing or an allocation of costs among ship operators needs to be ensured as well. German seaports favour a technology-neutral approach, so that for instance the use of fuels produced by renewable energy from non-biological sources is possible. Their use can avoid high costs for investments in older ships and such fuels have the advantage of also reducing emissions when ships are sailing. In addition to support for a level playing field, an unbiased approach to technology, and the polluter pays principle, German seaports also want to work with the shipping industry to focus on innovative solutions for zero CO2 at berth. Therefore, the ports will be launching an innovation competition to identify and present such concepts.
Our P&H poll: women at senior level roles in ports
Following on from similar initiatives to gauge the involvement of women within the maritime industry and quantify where they work, for our next Ports & Harbors poll we would like to hear about the number of women that occupy senior roles within global port administrations. For many organisations, this is still not a priority or a mere tick-box exercise. Having concrete data on the diversity of the workforce and how those that fare well in this regard compete against those that do not, is therefore important. It adds to the already well-known fact that an inclusive port industry is also a resilient, competitive, and future-proof one. So, our question for this month’s reader poll is: have you seen women occupy senior C-Level and board member roles in your port or port-related organisation in the last three years? You can use this web link to submit your answer.
Singapore continues to lead maritime cities ranking
The 2022 edition of the Leading Maritime Cities of the World report was launched last month. The report is compiled in cooperation between Menon Economics and the classification society DNV GL. Approximately 15,000 cities are benchmarked on 40 different indicators. As in previous editions, each maritime city is ranked on five key pillars: shipping, maritime finance and law, maritime technology, ports and logistics as well as overall attractiveness and competitiveness. Singapore’s strong performance across the five pillars sees it keeps its number one spot overall, followed by Rotterdam and London. Oslo retains its strong position in maritime technology and finance and law and takes the 7th place in the total ranking. You can download the report free of charge here.
Member Port News
In this edition’s round up of member port news, you will find stories from the following IAPH members:
- Africa and Europe: Port Autonome de Kribi, Ports of Cabo Verde, Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahìa de Algeciras, Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva, Gibraltar Port Authority, Administração dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve, Authority for Transport in Malta, Cyprus Ports Authority, Port of Bergen, North Sea Port, Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Hamburg Port Authority, Port Autonome d’ Abidjan, Port of Amsterdam, Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao, Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia, HAROPA (Harbours of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris), Port of Rotterdam Authority, Bremenports, Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, Port of Helsinki, Port of Bergen, National Ports Agency Morocco, Oslo Port Authority, Port Authority of Genoa, Port of Djibouti
- America Region: Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Complexo Industrial e Portuário do Pecém, Port of Los Angeles, Autoridad Marítima de Panamá, Port of San Diego, Montreal Port Authority, National Port Administration Uruguay
- Asia and Oceania Region: Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Solomon Islands Ports Authority, Ulsan Port Authority, Sri Lanka Ports Authority, Gladstone Ports Corporation, Kuantan Port Authority, Busan Port Authority, DP World, Incheon Port Authority, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited, Guangzhou Port Authority, Incheon Regional Office of Oceans and Fisheries, Marine and Water Bureau Macau, PSA International, Ports and Maritime Organization Iran, Lyttelton Port Company, Busan Regional Office of Oceans and Fisheries
Check out the full line up on our Member Port News page.
World Maritime News
These maritime news stories made the headlines over the past two weeks:
- New indicators for port congestion and supply chain disruption
- Outlook for container freight rates and port congestion in 2022
- Los Angeles / Long Beach set annual throughput record in 2021
- Port congestions in the US and Europe affect ports in China and India
- South Korea imposed fine on 23 carriers over alleged price-fixing
- Issues on the decarbonisation of the shipping industry
- Maersk brings forward the decarbonisation goal
- Technology is vital for resilient and sustainable global trade
For details of each story, please visit the World Maritime News section on our website.
Calendar of Events
IAPH events and events where IAPH is represented
- 31 January – APEC C-MAT IAPH International Port Strategy Course
- 1 February – IAPH Climate and Energy Committee
- 4 February – IAPH Africa-Europe bi-regional meeting
- 8 February – IAPH pre-conference workshop North America
- 10 February – IAPH pre-conference workshop North Europe
- 15 February – IAPH pre-conference workshop Mediterranean/Black Sea
- 16 February (new date) – IAPH pre-conference workshop SE Asia/Oceania
- 27 February-2March – TPM22 (Long Beach)
- 9-10 March – Container Terminal Automation Conference (London)
- 15 March – IAPH pre-conference workshop Africa
- 16-18 March – SELA Meeting of Port Logistics Communities (Panama)
- 22 March – IAPH pre-conference workshop South America
- 24 March – IAPH pre-conference workshop Middle/South Asia
- 29 March – IAPH pre-conference workshop East Asia
- 25-28 April – Seatrade Cruise Global (Miami)
- 16-18 May – World Ports Conference Vancouver