Ports & Harbors September/October 2018 issue published


This issue focuses on America north region, Dredging, Infrastructure and more.


In Open Forum ‘Shedding light on box weighing’, Richard Brough, technical advisor of ICHCA International says proper verification of container weights requires national legislation.


In Conversation ‘Setting standard for change’, Hadiza Bala Usman, managing director of Nigerian Ports Authority and IAPH Vice President for Africa Region talks about corruption, technology, and standing tall in a historically male-dominated industry.


In Last Word ‘Collaboration is core to sustainability’, Duncan Wilson, vice-president of corporate social responsibility, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority says as an industry we must work together to understand, acknowledge, and address concerns about the impact of our industry.


The next November/December issue will focus on America, Central and South Region, Sustainability, Port Software (including digitalization) and more.


IAPH Members can see the digital version online at Library Page. If you are not an IAPH Member, please click here for subscription order form (printed version only). P&H is always welcoming articles or ideas for articles from members as well as comments on the magazine at [email protected]  If you are interested in advertisement, please contact Associate Sales Executive. IAPH members can place an ad with a 20% discount.

